Sunday, October 02, 2005

A marriage in the family

Pauline Dunham (née Hollyer) wrote to say that her daughter Maria Heather married on the 24th September to Michael Steven Sampson. Another twig on the tree. Of course, there's always a debate in the one-name world about how far you track descendants on the female lines that no longer hold the surname in question. I do like to track the children of all women born as Hollyer etc, but usually go no further, unless a particular non-Hollyer researcher wants to see a tree of their connection with the name, in which case I'll add the people to the tree for this purpose.

Pauline's line of Hollyers is from what I call the "City Hollyers" who in the 18th/19th century were Painters and Glaziers in the City of London. They originally track back to the Hollyers from the Coventry area, in particular a marriage at Brinklow in 1687.


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